About Us

Sammy Bridges and Katie Bridges have been in the water and fire restoration business since 1980 and 2000, respectively.  Sammy is a 2nd generation restorer that grew up working in his family restoration business.  Later they obtained ownership and grew the business exponentially.  He traveled the country doing mid-loss to large loss jobs while Katie maintained a growing local residential and commercial restoration business.  In 2019, they sold their successful restoration business.

Having worked with many restorers throughout the country they have gathered a vast amount of knowledge about the restoration industry.  We have always tried to embrace applying new techniques and new technology to our business.  Our new endeavor, Efficient Drying Systems, is no different.  

We have always strived to help our technicians be efficient while in the field.  We are developing practical products to help the field water and fire technicians make their job easier, be more efficient and help an owner’s bottom line.